  • Each grade level has a framework based on state requirements and should include at least one Element of Art (ERAL) and one Artistic Technique.
  • Each class should receive a minimum of 6 lessons, one per month. 
  • Lessons are 1 hour, this includes teaching the lesson for about 10 minutes and 30-40 minutes doing the project.
  • Lessons should take place in the PODs at the end of the hallways and must be reserved by the teachers on the paper calendar posted. 
  • As a Grade level the Classroom Leads should agree on what projects will be done for these 6 lessons. 
  • Classroom Leads are free to do 2 additional projects of their choice outside of the agreed upon 6.
  • Project Samples: Each grade level has a bin in the PTSA Office with samples of the projects.

    What makes a great lesson...

    • Use visual aids; slides, examples, show materials students will use 
    • Explain which element of art and technique the project will be focusing on
    • Introduce a relevant artist, when applicable 
    • Ask open ended questions 
      • How does this artwork make you feel? 
      • Does it make you feel hot or cold? 
      • If the artist selected different colors, would it change the feel of the art piece? 
    • Praise artwork by praising the effort or noticing something specific about it.
    • Take pictures to share with teachers/yearbook.
    • Maintain time and allow time for clean up.
Grade Level Lesson Plans:
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Other Lesson Resources
Issaquah Schools Foundation Artistic Support - Art Docent Lessons

The PTSA is the school's Parent Teacher Student Association. We are a registered not-for-profit comprised of parent volunteers, just like you, who help provide many programs and events at Creekside.