Glaze Firing                                                                                                                                back to ceramics

Unlike bisque firing, once the glazed pieces have dried (about 5-15 mins) the pieces are ready to be fired. 

Glaze Fire loading Tips

  • Glazed pieces CANNOT touch each other, the shelves, the walls of the kiln, or any part of the stilt except the metal spikes.
  • Always check the bottoms of the pieces to be sure they are clear of glaze. Glaze that touches the shelf will FUSE 
  • When in doubt, put the piece on a stilt to raise it off the shelf.  The metal nails in the stilts will not fuse to the piece. (There are a limited # of stilts available).
  • If a project has "holes" for hanging, make sure the holes are completely free of glaze before they are fired.  When firing the glaze will harden and close the hole permanently.

Turning on the Kiln for Glaze Firing

Similar to Bisque firing, you will find step-by-step instructions for running the kiln on the wall.  It is a similar procedure for both bisque and glaze firings so be sure to follow the steps carefully. Firing takes about 12 hours but allow 24 hours from load to unload of kiln for complete cool down.
There is a switch on the kiln room wall that controls the exhaust fan be sure the switch is set on or the kiln can overheat.


Un-glazed broken piece can often be “glued” during glazing by using the glaze as glue. This only works when gravity is on your side – if the broken piece can remain in the desired location before it is “glued” it will fuse. If the broken piece remains in the desired location as a result of the glue, it will slide in the kiln. Do not take the risk if there is a possibility it will slide off onto the shelf!

Broken pieces after firing can usually be repaired with hot glue or E6000.

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