Small Effort, Big Impact!



To Learn More About Our Passive Fundraisers, Please Click On The Links Below

Amazon Smile

Click the image above to be directed to the Amazon Smile website, log in to your existing Amazon account and search for Creekside PTSA. Creekside PTSA will automatically get a kickback when you shop! 

Box Tops For Education 

Labels for Education is ending their program. If you have any Labels for Education UPC’s please submit them before the Thanksgiving break. Labels for Education can be used to purchase art supplies or playground equipment. The UPC’s need to have the entire bar code.   Please put them in the Box Tops box located inside the front office.  Please continue to collect Box Tops. If you would like to submit them now, please place them in a sandwich-sized bag with the teacher’s name. Please do not send in expired Box Tops. We will be having a friendly competition in January.





Fred Meyer Community Rewards

Visit Fred Meyer's Community Rewards page and link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Creekside. You will be asked to log into (or create) your online account. You can then search for Creekside by name. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Creekside earn a donation! You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates - but now you’ll also be earning money for Creekside PTSA.

 Bartell Drugs "B" Caring Card

You can pick up a free ‘B’ Caring Card from the cashier on your next trip to Bartell Drugs, register it and help Creekside PTSA to earn money!

Once you register your card Creekside PTSA can earn up to 4% of your purchases. Present your card to the cashier at Bartell Drugs every time you shop to earn for your school. You can share your card number with your family and ask your friends and neighbors to help to raise money for kids. 

















The PTSA is the school's Parent Teacher Student Association. We are a registered not-for-profit comprised of parent volunteers, just like you, who help provide many programs and events at Creekside.